Crataegus spp. Illustration by Michelle Enemark.
Hawthorn Infusion
an ally of the heart
1/2 cup dried hawthorn berry
1/2 cup dried hawthorn flower & leaf
1 quart water
Add dried herb to a quart jar. Cover with *almost* boiling water. Let brew overnight or at least for four hours.
Keep in the fridge after brewing, especially important during hot weather. Use within two days.
The berry causes diarrhea in some folk. You may adjust the recipe to have less berry and more flower & leaf or to take out the berry altogether. The leaf & flower have no known side effects, though one must always listen to their own body.
Hawthorn is one of those herbs you want to take over a longer period of time. You can't take a shot of Hawthorn tea or tincture and expect it to lower your blood pressure over night. Now, it might. Magic happens when you get to know the plants and their medicine, but it shouldn't be expected.
And where does Hawthorn work its magic? On the heart and the great blood system of our bodies. I recommend it to folks who deal with both low and high blood pressure and conditions of the heart, both physical and emotional. Make it an ally and drink a quart over a day or two. Experiment with the recipe and add other herbs that you enjoy.
Hawthorn, like all plants, has many different medicines. And each medicine will be slightly different for each individual.
In my personal experience with hawthorn, I did have an immediate result...
It was a heavy time in my life and my heart carried much sadness. I bought a flower essence of hawthorn from a fairy-like herbalist who I met in the mountains of North Carolina. I didn't believe much in flower essences at the time, as they didn't seem like real or powerful medicine to me. But this little fairy seemed to be working magic. And I was desperate. So I bought the tiny half ounce bottle.
I took the bottle home with me. It was special. I could feel it. I put it in the windowsill. And one excruciating day, I ran a warm bath. I sank down in the water. Heavy, heavy, heavy...
I took up the bottle,
Took a few drops,
Just a few, three or five maybe,
burst into tears.
Oh, and I cried long and hard. It all poured forth.
That was my first real meeting with hawthorn.
This recipe does not provide specific dosage information, format recommendations, toxicity levels, or possible interactions with prescription drugs. Accordingly, this information should be used only under the direct supervision of a qualified health practitioner.